THC Wood Chop Fundraiser - Sunday 19th May 2023


Sun 19 May 2024 10:00 — 15:00
Mount Crawford

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Thanks to the very generous support of one of our Tanunda families, you can get your wood for winter sorted and raise money for the club.

The wood cut is on Sunday 19th May and there are only 10 tickets

$100 for 8x5 trailer load of wood
$150 for 8x5 cage trailer of wood

BYO Chainsaw, axe, spare chains and oils. 

Cash at the gate

When you book your ticket, please let us know what sizes you'd like for rounds, branches and easy cut wood. 

Location: Mount Crawford (Address when you book)

We would like to hold a picnic during the day for those attending. If you would like to join, information can be provided after booking. 


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